Loan Products
Before You Begin
- Remember, loans are granted only to members. Our charter prohibits us from granting loans to non-members. If you’re not a member, why not look into becoming a member of our credit union.
- You can review our loan types and rates below and even calculate your loan payment prior to completing this application if you wish.
- Our on-line loan application is designed as a simplified application. Because of this, it may be necessary for us to get additional information from you, especially if you are applying for a more complicated loan. Be sure to complete the box on the form that lets us know how you want us to contact you if we have questions.
- If you do not wish to complete an on-line application, you can print our application and mail it to us at PO Box 1023, Tucumcari, NM 88401
- We are an equal opportunity lender, not just because of the law; but because it’s the right thing to do.
- We will contact you using the contact method you specify. Do feel free to call, email, or come on in if you want to check on the status of your request.
We offer a Risk-based Pricing loan product. This means loans will be classified into 6 grades. Grade "A+" being the best credit grade available. Interest rates will vary based on the credit grade. "A+" credit grade will be charged the lowest interest rates and "E" credit grade will be charged a higher interest rate. This way of lending allows us to help members even if a member's credit has a few imperfections.
All credit union loans are simple interest rates. Loans are made at competitive rates in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors. Loans are granted on credit history, beacon score, need and the ability to repay. Interest is applied to the unpaid balance each time a payment is made.
We must have current application information and your last paystub with each loan request.
Apply for a Loan